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Apple Muesli Muffins
Makes 12
Equipment Required
Hand mixer
Non-stick muffin tray
Large mixing bowl
Paper muffin cases
Small mixing bowl
Cooling rack
Measuring cups
Oven gloves
Measuring spoons
1½ cups wholemeal self-raising flour
½ cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup rolled oats
¾ cup vegetable oil
¾ cup Greek yoghurt
1 cup stewed apple
1 dessert spoon honey
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ cup rolled oats
2 dessert spoons brown sugar
Pre-heat oven to 180°C.
Line muffin trays with paper cases.
Mix eggs, yoghurt, apple, honey & oil together in a small bowl.
In a separate larger bowl mix self-raising flour, sugar, oats and cinnamon.
Add eggs, yoghurt, apple, honey & oil mix to large bowl containing flour, sugar, oats and cinnamon. Mix well.
Spoon mixture into paper cases about 2/3rds full.
Mix together topping ingredients and spoon over muffins.
Bake for 20-25 minutes and allow to cool on a cooling rack.