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In The Kitchen
In 2016, Nicky was visited by Nick Piper, director and producer at Onion TV Networks, who filmed a brief piece on Kids Kitchen with his two children.
Mornings with Rebecca Levingston
Nicky Simons, head of Kids Kitchen, recently appeared on ABC Radios' Mornings with Rebecca Levingston program, to talk about fussy eaters, and the ways in which Kids Kitchen can help children not only conquer their fears of certain foods, but also provide them with responsibility and pride in what they create.
Listen to the segment to find out more!
Kids Kitchen discussionABC Radio
00:00 / 08:53

Evenings with Kelly Higgins-Devine
In 2020, Nicky spoke with Kelly Higgins-Devine on the popular ABC 612 radio show about Kids Kitchen. You can listen to her between 26:43 - 32:48 at the linked media.
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